Guide to CHADfarming LEVX tokens

What’s the matter Morty? Not feeling special? cause you aren’t.

2 min readOct 18, 2021
So you’ve caught wind of the hype

And now you wanna cash in on being early on this top-tier worthless project, how do you do it? A quick answer to that would be, there’s many ways — buy Oh-geez for the drop, be active on twitter, be active in the discord, in the DAO, etcetcetcetc. Or we can do it the EZ way — churn out a bunch of article’s until the internet can’t handle it anymore. So how do we do it? Very simple, go onto any writing medium — Medium, Twitter, Facebook are just a few of these ‘writing outlets’.

How to pick outlet? Which one has the most target audience, dumbass.

Don’t be this loser dumbass

You missed on 2/2 of the free stuff? Dont sit in the corner, cry and throw yourself into a fit of rage. That’s what losers do. If you wanna win. you gotta chase the win. So here’s my secret technique in netting even MORE FREE STUFF. Start bringing your creative writing talent onto the internet! Doesn’t matter how horrible the grammar is, what language it’s in or if it even makes sense. In fact, if it’s extra fucking cringy — you might also get bonuses.

So how exactly does this method yield more free tokens? Make content about Oh-Geez for friends, your friends learn about oh-geez, you and your friends now have a great time being apes in a discord.

Make sure to share your content in the discord as well, everyone else is just as eager to see the brand-spanking-new content from the brightest of Morty’s.

So fucken get out there and write your friends an article. Make it stupid, cringy, everything you were taught not to do. LEVX DAO HAS NO VISION WE ARE COMPLETELY WORTHLESS WEEEEE





Democratizing the opportunity to play-to-earn, one bloob at a time