bloob’s tool for investors to get involved in a premium-quality scholarship
As the market has had more time to mature, and bloob having more time to bloob around the metaverse — many trends and patterns become much clearer. NFT’s as a tool is still largely unrealized but the opportunities and capabilities are endless. In my time bloobing around, I’ve seen that using NFT’s can easily act as an access pass for all sorts of things. That’s exactly what the Senator Bloob NFT will become.
As a recap, bloob squad is bloob’s gaming community. The main activity at the bloob squad is currently Axie Infinity scholarships. the bloob squad equips skilled gamers with the tools they need to succeed in the metaverse.
The Senator Bloob NFT:
Will allow holders of the NFT to enter the investors reward pool from the scholarship. The details of this investors reward pool will be explained in detail further below. This NFT allows the investor to streamline their ETH investment directly into a long-lasting scholarship.
The initial purchase of 1.5eth will set them in a comfortable position in the investors pool. After holding the NFT and talking to bloob, investors can increase their position in the reward pool by investing in more teams directly. 1 team purchase will elevate the investors position in the reward pool.
The parameters of this NFT is that there are 10 in total supply and as such, the investors pool can only max out at 10 active investor participants. This is designed to create a small manageable pool of investors that have the ability to ‘game’ with other investors. The secondary purchase of these NFT’s will also carry over the position of their previous owner.
This should be considered as an experiment as i’ve never seen it done before.
This is the current history of the investors pool as of 2/1/2022:
31/12/2021 — Genesis of investors system — Bloob 33%, Nole (Manager) 33%, Investor A 34%
1/1/2022 — Bloob, acting as investor, adds 6 teams to scholarship — Bloob 39%, Nole 30%, Investor A 31%
IF a new buyer purchases the Senator Bloob NFT, they will enter the pool with a 10% position at the expense of the top share holders. The distribution would look something like this: Bloob 30%, Nole 30%, Investor A 30%, Investor B 10%.
This is still in an experiment. Things we don’t expect could happen. An investor could buy out the whole pool (that’s a looooot of teams tho) or the 1% change per team added is simply too small to incentivize adding teams. This is a process of trial and error and this is the perfect investment tool for investors that want to get invested in an axie scholarship but lacking the time and technical know-how to set it all up.
Come join the squad over at our discord:
feel free to reach out with further questions here.